On-demand webinar

Idea to Revenue - How to build an organisation that can create new business

Tune in to learn about:

  • Actual real-life stories on how companies have managed to build new growth.
  • How an innovator's mindset is required to build new growth and how the mindset can become your biggest obstacle.
  • How fear leads to change resistance, and how fear blinds our eyes from seeing the different possible routes and opportunities.
  • How does the context matter in building new growth? Can a small company adopt big company practices?

Success and creating something new are not just for large and already innovative companies. During their careers, Marko Oksanen and Valtteri Tuominen have met companies of all sizes and from different industries that have succeeded in building new businesses.

So what do these companies have in common? In this webinar, we share concrete stories of these bold entrepreneurs who have built something new and innovative while generating new revenue.

Our hosts

Marko Oksanen
Marko is the Co-Founder and CEO of Coventures. For the past 13 years, he has studied the art and science of value creation. Marko has hands-on helped large enterprises with corporate innovation, turning their ideas into new revenue. He has delivered more than 40 different innovation projects, giving him extensive insight into different types of companies and industries. Marko also understands the founder mentality and startup realities, having taken on several startup endeavors. He is considered one of the top Product Management experts in Finland, teaching courses on the subject at Aalto University, and coaching in leading incubator programs. Marko's personal insights into building new products and companies have allowed him to support others in growing their businesses. Marko always aims to overdeliver for his customers and ensure they are on the road to success.
Valtteri Tuominen
Valtteri is a strategic innovation and technology sales expert. Over his career, Valtteri has gained a deep understanding and experience in building innovative solutions. He is passionate about designing unique business models that solve real problems for real customers. His experience extends from leadership, team building, and business development. In his view, truly innovative businesses require a multidisciplinary approach, from technology to sales and management. Valtteri is also never afraid to ask questions. In fact, his most successful ventures were directly born from his curious approach, as well as helping numerous companies in building and growing new revenue. Valtteri believes facing your fears is the only path to real growth.