Meet Jesse Jyläs: Our New Entrepreneur in Residence

We're excited to introduce Jesse Jyläs, the newest member of the Coventures community. Jesse brings a ton of experience in corporate leadership and startup innovation, with a particular focus on digital businesses and e-commerce.

Here’s a closer look at his journey to Coventures and what he’s aiming to achieve with us.

From Corporate Expertise to Entrepreneurial Vision

Jesse has over 15 years of diverse experience in B2C digital businesses & sales, e-commerce, product management and B2B SaaS services. During his career he has held significant leadership roles in international business management, B2C digital sales and new business development. 

Jesse's extensive career started in corporate environments, in particular at S-Group, where he developed his skills in retail and e-commerce. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to found and become CEO of a technology start-up, which he expanded to six countries and served tens of millions customers globally. Under his leadership, the start-up partnered with over 200 global online retailers and generated Gross Merchandise Value of over €100 million for the partner companies. 

They also helped numerous European media companies such as RTL, Telegraph and Daily Mail to build new revenue streams and services to their digital assets with their SaaS-technology.

As a Digital Sales Director, he led the rapid growth and development of the e-commerce operations of major Finnish retail chains such as Sokos, Prisma and Kodin Terra, successfully established entire e-commerce value chains and achieved significant revenue milestones in a short period of time.

Impactful Ventures and a Drive for Growth

Jesse is known for his ability to lead complex eCommerce and digitalization projects and for his skills in nurturing teams that grow with the business. His approach is hands-on, data-driven and action-oriented, ensuring that decisions are informed and deliver tangible results. 

He wants to help companies avoid common pitfalls and believes in the power of agile methods and strong product management to drive growth and profitability.

A Personal Journey to Entrepreneur in Residence

The birth of his first daughter in 2022 was a turning point in Jesse's life. During his paternity leave, he took time to reflect on his career and realized his interest in helping other businesses succeed. This led him to move into consulting, focusing on helping companies in digital sales and digital transformations, before joining us at Coventures.

Why Coventures?

For Jesse, Coventures is the perfect place to apply his skills and make a real difference. He values our community of skilled entrepreneurs and shares our vision of making a lasting impact. He was drawn to our warm welcome and the collaborative spirit that defines our culture.

Looking Ahead

As Jesse steps into his role at Coventures, he’s most excited about helping our clients scale their operations and enhance their digital strategies. His goal is to help each business we work with to not only achieve their digital and commercial objectives but to surpass them.

We can’t wait to see the innovative ideas and projects Jesse will bring to life at Coventures. Welcome to the team, Jesse - here’s to a future filled with growth, innovation, and success!